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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This South American predator got its name because it had bull-like horns. Their function is unknown. Carnotaurus was large theropod dinosaur that lived in Patagonia during the Late Cretaceous. It was about 9 meters long and weighing about 2 tons. Also it had traditional feature, unusual long neck. It had binocular vision that proves it was active hunter.

The skull of Carnotaurus looks robust. Analysis suggests that Carnotaurus dealed fast bites. Carnotaurus could make hatchet-like attacks with its head. Allosaur-like skull suggests that Carnotaurus preyed on large sauropods. Its top speed was 50 km/h. Carnotaurus was discovered by famous fossil hunter Jose Bonaparte. He discovered many South American dinosaurs. For example Giganotosaurus. There was mostly complete skeleton. The discovered skin sample showed that the Carnotaurus did not have feathers but pebbly skin. The pebbles also appear to grow larger near the spine. Like the Tyrannosaurus it had very short forearms with four fingers that were claw-less and fused together.

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