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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Alamosaurus is a sauropod from the Late Cretaceous Period who lived in North America.Alamosaurus could be the largest dinosaur that North America ever seen aproaching 69 feet in length and weighing  Like other sauropods it has long tail and long neck with small head.

This dinosaur is not named after the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, or the battle that was fought there. Alamosaurus was found in New Mexico and, at the time of his naming, Alamosaurus had not yet been found in Texas. The name Alamosarus means geologic formation where he was found 

Gilmore originally described a scapula (shoulder bone)and ischium (pelvic bone) in 1922. In 1946, he found a more complete specimen in Utah, consisting of a complete tail, a right forelimb complete except for the tips of the toes, and both ischia.

Other contemporaneous dinosaurs from that part of the world include tyrannosaurs, smaller theropods, the hadrosaur Edmontosaurus sp., the ankylosaur Glyptodontopelta, and the ceratopsids Torosaurus utahensis and Ojoceratops fowleri. Tyrannosaurs probably preyed on
Alamosaurus. Smaller theropods, such as Troodon, also lived in the same time and place as Alamosaurus. They could have preyed on young Alamosaurus.

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